Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is happiness.
Our services
Individual Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy helps you learn how to take control of your life and respond to challenging situations with healthy coping skills. By creating an individualized treatment plan we identify clients’ strengths and incorporate those strengths to help them achieve their goals and heal from the wounds of the past.
50 mins | $200
Couples Counseling
Utilizing the Gottman Method, couples are provided the tools they need to reconnect and recommit to a fulfilling marriage. Couples participate in a lengthy intake assessment and then receive tools and direction to help them grow in their relationship.
Initial Intake Assessment (4 Sessions +Assessment)
$275 each 90 min session + $40 Assessment fee,
Followed by Standard 50 Min Couple Sessions I $225
“I wish everyone could understand the importance of working with a mental health counselor. Just an hour each week has changed the trajectory of my life.”
— THERESA, The Mission Client